2024 Land of Enchantment Festival
York Rite Degrees and Orders – July 26-27, 2024
By: H.C. Sky Olsen
Grand Secretary/Treasurer
Grand York Rite Bodies

The Land of Enchantment degree festival is back! We are confident that this will be a great experience to start our Brothers’ journey in the Chapter, Council and Commandery. In addition, it will offer another good fraternal and ritual experience for our Companions and Sir Knights. We hope you will join us for this exciting event.
Our degree and order work will all happen within the Montezuma Lodge building at 431 Paseo De Peralta Santa Fe, NM, 87501.
Accommodations will be available at the Valley of Santa Fe Scottish Rite dormitory during the festival (located right across the parking lot from Montezuma Lodge). Rooms will be available Thursday and Friday night at a cost of $10 per night. Please indicate if you will need a room on the registration form below.
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on Friday and Saturday. Dinner will be provided on Friday with the costs noted on the registration form. Coffee, Tea, and Water will be provided throughout the day.
PLEASE start contacting Brothers whom you believe may be interested as soon as possible! We are limiting our candidate registrations to those received No Later Than July 19, 2024. In addition, these Brothers must have already been voted upon by their respective York Rite bodies and accepted.
We look forward to seeing you at “The Land of Enchantment Festival”!
To Register: https://nmyorkrite.org/land-of-enchantment-festival/
For more information: https://nmyorkrite.org/welcome/contact-us/
E. Hans Schimdt | Adam L. Hathaway | James E. Bungard |
Grand High Priest | Grand Master | Grand Commander |
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of New Mexico | Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of New Mexico | Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of New Mexico |