7th Masonic District
By: Chuck Bass
District Deputy Grand Master

Greetings from the 7th District. Kingston #16, Sacramento #24, Carrizozo #41, Tularosa #49, Bethesda #64, Ruidoso #73
The District is doing well. Masons are progressing from EAs to Masters and the Lodges are performing Ritual work flawlessly. It has been rewarding to see and hear about the growth of Masonry.
On another subject, I have heard MW Brother Tom Schenk talk about having some sort of Masonic education at Lodge meetings. Since I am the Master of his home Lodge I figured I better come up with some Masonic education. This put me on a journey I could not believe. When I was looking for something to present, I came across an older article on the meaning of “a point within a circle embroidered by two perpendicular parallel lines “. I have said this many times presenting the EA Lecture. I never really totally understood the meaning of it. After sharing this program at Lodge, Past Grand Master MW Brother Bill Beckett added even more information on this symbol. I have been a Master Mason for over 13 years and have found out that I do not know as much about Freemasonry as I thought. Just shows that Freemasonry is a progressive science and we have to continually seek light.
As I do more research I have come to the conclusion that we need to look to the past in order for Freemasonry to move forward in the future. We need to understand what our “symbols veiled in allegory” actually mean. This has given me a new vigor and excitement for Freemasonry. I now look forward to preparing for the Masonic Education programs. I challenge everyone to find out the meanings of our symbols either on your own or, so that you may improve in Masonic knowledge, converse with well informed Brethren.
I want to thank you for letting me jump on my soapbox. I also want to remind everyone about the Turn of the Century Lodge meeting on Saturday October 28th at Kingston Lodge #16. This is a must attend event, great food, exceptional fellowship, and dressing in 1800 attire is encouraged.