Our Next Chapter Is Together
Looking Forward to Serving in a Different Capacity.
By: Chuck Bass
District Deputy Grand Master
As another Grand Lodge Communication approaches I started thinking of my Masonic journey. I was raised in Ruidoso Lodge #73 in March 2010, at that time I didn’t have a clue what a Mason was, as I went through the chairs I went to Grand Lodge Communication as a Junior and Senior Warden. I do not remember a lot about these two Grand Lodges as I did not attend all of the festivities.
I was graciously elected Master of Ruidoso Lodge #73 for 2015. This is the year that changed my Masonic journey. In March of 2015 I attended Grand Lodge with RWB Walt Argal and RWB Art Wright. We went to everything Grand Lodge offered, this full experience showed me what I had missed out by not attending everything in the two past years. These two mentors as well MWB Bill Beckett, MWB Shem Peachey, and all of the other Grand Masters I have worked with as DDGL and DDGM have shown me what a Mason is. These men have loved me through my journey as well as kicked me in the pants when I needed it.
I am now starting on another chapter in this journey, RWB Steve Almager has appointed me to become his Junior Grand Deacon. I am humbled and honored that he has chosen me to be appointed to this position. I am excited and looking forward to this next chapter. As I have gotten to know the other officers of the Grand Lodge, I know that New Mexico Masonry is in good hands.
I am also excited to travel the State and meet the Masons who are working in our Lodges, and get your thoughts on how we can be of service to Freemasonry. It has been great to see how many young men are being initiated, passed, and raised in the last few years. This shows me that we have a great future ahead. I am also pleased to see how Lodges are working on Ritual and floorwork as this is a very important part of Freemasonry. As I go through this next phase in Freemasonry if I can be of service or if you have any questions let me know and together we can get it done.