Opening Doors in 24
There’s a lot to be done, but we believe in “Planning your work and working the plan.”
By: Steve Almager
Grand Master of Masons in New Mexico
I want to start off by telling you how privileged and honored I am to be Grand Master of Masons in New Mexico. It is without a doubt one of the greatest privileges to be able to represent each and every one of you fine Brothers!
The 147th Grand Lodge Annual Communication was an absolute success. The setting at the Inn of the Mountain Gods could not have been any better. I personally want to thank Shirley and MWB Tom for this glorious Grand Lodge.
Next year, the 148th Grand Lodge Annual Communication, will be at the eye-catching and scenic town of Hobbs, New Mexico. Plans are underway to make this Annual Communication one to remember. If you are not attending these Annual Communications, you are missing some of the best fellowship you will find. Catching up with Brothers, from across the State and Nation, is by far the pinnacle of the weekend.
Brothers, we have a long road in front of us, but I know with each other, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. Change, it seems, is foreign to us Masons. But if we plan to take Freemasonry in New Mexico to the next level, change is inevitable.
The younger generation is looking towards the internet for information on Freemasonry. They communicate via cell phones and email. This is where each Lodge must focus. If you are not currently on some type of Social Media, your Lodge will surely miss the younger generation. The Grand Lodge is currently receiving 30-45 inquiries every month from potential candidates. As you can see from the list that is sent out, most of the inquires come from the larger population areas, as expected, but they also come from the Lodges with the most web or social media presence. If you need help or have questions on this topic, please reach out and I will do my best to help. Our Technology and Pubic Relations committees are standing by.
Here is a list of items discussed at Grand Lodge:
- Ray D Carpenter Lodge Excellence Award
- Ron Brinkman Award for Ritual
- Bring a Brother Back Program
- Education, Education, and more Education
- Grand View
- Active Shooter Training
The Ray D Carpenter Lodge Excellence Award is a way to get Lodges back to work. This award is not easy, but it will be rewarding. This will also help Lodges start their Social Media presence.
The Ron Brinkman Award is for Lodge ritual. We receive individual ritual awards, but the Lodges need to be recognized for their ritual work.
Bring a Brother Back Program is a simple and straightforward way to bring back Brothers who have stopped coming to Lodge. One of our biggest drops in numbers is the Brother who pays their dues but does not come to Lodge and NPD’s. This program can and will help with this.
We should never have a meeting that does not include some type of Education. We joined this Fraternity to expand our minds and reading minutes and paying bills, is not accomplishing that.
It is my goal to have ALL Lodge Secretaries or Assistant Secretaries on Grand View by the end of the year. With digital dues cards approved at Grand Lodge, it will be imperative to have the knowledge and understanding of Grand View. This is a tool that will make each Lodge more efficient and our database more complete.
In this day and age, it is unfortunate that we have to protect ourselves. Active Shooter training is necessary to keep you and your Brothers safe. Your local PD or Sheriff’s department can provide you with this necessary training. We also have the luxury of Brother John Keel, trained in this arena. If you need advice or questions answered, please reach out to Brother John. He will be more than glad to assist you.
Brethren, I want to tell you, I am committed to communication. You will see numerous emails and correspondence from me. I am highly active on Social Media and use technology as a tool to make my life easier. I will be holding monthly Zoom meetings for the Craft. This is where you can ask me anything you want and if I can provide the answers, I will. I am very transparent, and the Officers of the Grand Lodge are the same. So, if you have any questions, or just want to shoot the bull, log onto the Zoom meeting, and let us chat. Click the link at the end of the article this Sunday evening.
I want to close this with a verse from the Bible. It is important to understand what is meant when we take our solemn obligations. We are obligating that we will keep our word to not only the Lodge, but more importantly, our God and ourselves.
Numbers 30:2 – “If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth.”
Steve Almager is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Grand Masters Chit Chat
Time: Jun 2, 2024 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 0449 8242
Passcode: 155346