Dedication and Rededication 2
On July 22, 2023, Edgewood Lodge celebrated the continuing contributions of two of our most prominent Masons and twenty years of service as a Lodge.

Wesley D. Thornton 50(+) Years of Service
Edgewood Lodge had the honor of recognizing Right Worshipful Brother Wesley D. Thornton for achieving fifty years as a Master Mason. The “(+)” is due to his service in DeMolay before and after becoming a Mason.
As a youth, he joined DeMolay in Farmington and never forgot his roots. He has worked with DeMolay consistently throughout his Masonic Career. He served local Chapters as a mentor to many of our Senior DeMolay. He then took the office of Executive Officer for DeMolay in New Mexico twice, and hosted the Executive Officer Conference in New Mexico. The culmination (but not completion, as he still serves) of his DeMolay service was being elected Grand Master of DeMolay International in 2010.
In our Lodges, he has also served in many capacities. A Past Master of Estancia Lodge No. 33 and the Charter Master of Edgewood Lodge No. 82, Wes was a part of Edgewood’s coming into being. He served as District Deputy Grand Master for the 5th Masonic District and was then elected Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge. In 2017, he was voted Grand Treasurer Emeritus.
Most of Illustrious Brother Wes’ Masonic time now is spent with the Scottish Rite. He was made a Master of the Royal Secret, 32⁰ on May 12, 1976, was honored as a Knight Commander of the Court of Honor on October 6, 1997, and Coroneted an Inspector General Honorary on December 6, 2003. On October 10, 2014, Illustrious Brother Wes was appointed the Deputy to the Supreme Council for New Mexico. Finally, on August 22, 2021, he was elected Sovereign Grand Inspector General for the Orient of New Mexico and continues to work for the betterment of all Masonry in New Mexico.
Congratulations and THANK YOU! to our Right Worshipful and Illustrious Brother Wes!