Dedication and Rededication 1
On July 22, 2023, Edgewood Lodge celebrated the continuing contributions of two of our most prominent Masons and twenty years of service as a Lodge.

Duane and Mary Ann Walker Masonic Center
Lady Mary Ann and Worshipful Brother Duane E. Walker, 33⁰ Grand Cross, Kit Carson Recipient, continue to be pillars in New Mexico Masonry. Since 1975, Duane has been of service to his Lodges and Masonry in general. A Past Master of Estancia Lodge No. 33, he then was a founding member of Edgewood Lodge. From the beginning, their generous contributions of time, effort, work, and funding have helped to shape a Lodge that in just twenty years has made a consistent impact on the communities it serves as well as Masonry, having had four members who had been or would become Grand Master of Masons in New Mexico.
And then… Duane and Mary Ann built something special – the Scottish Rite Learning Centers. Several Lodges have extended their help to their communities by hosting one of these learning centers that directly affect an individual with Dyslexia. In Edgewood alone, our teacher, Wanda Fishburn has helped over 31 students (31 actually graduated) who have each gone on to do, and be able to do, bigger and better things. There are no words to describe the overall impact their contribution has made with Edgewood being only one of five that host the Learning Centers.
The Edgewood Lodge Hall is now the Duane and Mary Ann Masonic Center. In a rededication ceremony, the Lodge unveiled this small token of respect and appreciation on Saturday, July 22 with many Brethren and Masonic Family members present.