Grand View is Operational

By: Steve Almager
Deputy Grand Master

Training and resources are available so it works hard for the Craft.

Steven Almager Deputy Grand Master


I am pleased to say the rollout of Grand View is underway and going smoothly. We have had several trainings sessions. This training sessions has been recorded and are available to everyone and I am adding the links below. I am a little disappointed in the attendance of these trainings and would hope to see more Brothers in future trainings. Brethren I cannot stress to you enough, that Grand View is not going away, and everyone will need to know how to access and work in it. Every Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, should be attending these trainings and get to learn the ins and outs of the system. As you already know, it is NOT the duty of the Grand Secretary to perform Lodge Secretary duties, but we will ALL need to work together to accomplish our goals.

Speaking of Grand Secretary’s, RWB Tony has been regular in the discharge of his duties, taken the bull by the horns and is leading the charge when it comes to Grand View. If you have any issues, questions, or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to RWB Tony or myself. We are always available to help. There is still a way to go, but the future of New Mexico Freemasonry is looking Bright and Clear.

Links to Grand View Training:



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