GrandView On Track
Moving forward fast … but not too fast.
Steven Almager
Deputy Grand Master

I am pleased to announce the roll out of GrandView has begun. The secretary’s and DDGM’s has received the test drive and has been working in GrandView for a few weeks. Feedback so far has been positive, but there is some clean up we will have to do before we finally roll this out to the craft. The committee is working diligently with GrandView to get the kinks worked out and fine-tuned.
We will soon begin training, which will be held online and done multiple times a week. We have decided to do some training during the day and some in the evening, that way we can accommodate more Brothers. Please keep in mind, this will be a work in progress, meaning, we need everyone helping to get this system to accommodate New Mexico’s standards. GrandView is an outstanding system, but it takes the work of all the Brother’s to make this our own. Every State has its own way of doing business and we are not the exception.
We will have growing pains with this system, but that would be with any new system. In the long run, the committee believes GrandView is the system that will take us to new heights. The education and calendar piece alone are top notch. The education piece will allow us to tap into 36 other States education and it will all be available at the push of a button. Our education committee will soon be adding its own education to GrandView and it will be available to all.
We are excited about this transition and look forward to working with each and everyone to make this system our own. If you have any questions, whatsoever, do not hesitate to reach out to me.