Installations and Opportunities
District 4 DDGM Update
District Deputy Grand Master
District 4

Well, it is installation time again, the change of the guard for each Lodge. I have or will have attended District No. 4’s six Lodges’ installations plus Sandoval No. 76 and Edgewood No. 82, Scottish Rite, and ABQ York Rite.
One of the members of my Lodge asked me why I attend other Lodges installations. I said besides being the DDGM for District 4, I feel it is the responsibility of all members of each Lodge to get to know the members of other Lodges.
Just think about what you could learn from them. The idea is a synergistic concept that we can do more with others than ourselves. Think of all the great ideas that are out there. If we work with other Lodges, we can get a lot more done. He asked like what? Well, how they do fundraisers and what they raise funds for. Things like scholarships, money or food for food banks, bikes for books
I recommend all Brothers should go to as many installations as you can. It shows support for others and think of the Brothers and friends you could make, let alone the knowledge.
I hope everyone has/had a Wonderful Holiday Season!