Landmark 14th Opportunities
Over 120 dedicated Masons gathered from 13 Jurisdictions at the NW/SW Conference.
By: Stephen A. Balke
Past Grand High Priest
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of New Mexico

Every year there are conferences held for most of the Regions and Departments for the York Rite Bodies. This year, the Northwest and Southwest Conferences were combined in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 20th and 21st. Representatives from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming gathered for a weekend of fraternal communications, education, and fun.
Landmark 14th in New Mexico is the Right of Visitation. These conferences bring this to a whole new level. Meeting with Brothers from so many different jurisdictions allows you to learn about differences in Masonry across Jurisdictions, meet with leaders of the State, National, and International Masonic Bodies, and “unites men from every country, sect, and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.”
This conference is on a Friday and Saturday. Chapter (red coats) and Council (purple coats) split Friday at lunch for their programs, and Saturday is dedicated to Commandery (fluffy hats) and the York Rite Leadership Program (both running all day). Each body provides presenters and communications from the international officers present. There is a banquet on Friday night, and lunches to get together and break bread with Brethren.
New Mexico was well represented with eight Brothers, Companions, and Sir Knights present. We usually have more that attend, but this year was re-scheduled, and many were fulfilling their obligations at the Valley of Santa Fe Scottish Rite Reunion.
Several conferences happen each year affording the opportunity to meet new Brethren and establish relationships across ALL borders. Here are just a few of those regularly attended by NM Brethren:
- July The Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference
- October Southwest York Rite Conference (likely updated in the Spring)
- As Scheduled Scottish Rite Leadership Conferences
- February Masonic Week in Washington D.C. (Arlington, VA)
The World of Masonry is actually World-Wide! Keep this in mind when you travel. Many of our Brethren in New Mexico travel a lot and can help you get in touch with Lodges or appendant bodies where ever you go (or in some cases, let you know that it’s not wise to advertise in that country). Using the Amity application (adopted by the Conference of Grand Secretaries of N.A.) lets you know who is in amity with New Mexico.