By: Davin Teague
Grand Sword Bearer
Education Committee Chair

It is my pleasure to announce Masonicon 2023 is almost here! The Education Committee of the Grand Lodge has been working hard to bring an enlightening event for our Craft this year.
The festivities kick off Friday night June 23rd at the Shrine with the return of the Grand Master’s Table Lodge. This well loved event will have adult beverages and custom cannons available, as well as a great dinner from our own RW Brother Sean Sullivan and his catering company.
Saturday morning will begin our day of education with presentations from your current Grand Lodge line and continue into the day with a variety of educational presentations from our well known knowledgeable brethren, plus a few new faces with some exciting new information. Lunch will be provided by the Shrine Azayim so prepare to fill your bellies.
Masonicon is open to all Masons, and if a talk is tyled it will let you know on the schedule. There will be 5 differ classrooms offering a variety of talks which you can choose from. Presentations will average about 45 minutes with a Q & A session at the end. Some talks will also be streamed live for our Brethren who can’t travel to Albuquerque.
Masonicon is special to New Mexico as it was started several years ago by our very own Past Grand Master of Masons MWB Adam Hathaway as a way to provide education for the Freemasons of New Mexico. The idea and concept was so well received that it has been copied by almost every Masonic Jurisdiction in North America!
We will also have our Lodge of Research of New Mexico present with books and material for sale, and a few vendors with Masonic items to sell.
Final schedule will be released soon, and if you have questions please reach out to your Lodge secretaries and be on the look out for emails. Thank you and look forward to seeing you all at the Ballut Abyad Shrine in Albuquerque on June 23rd and 24th.