New Year New Challenges
By: Chuck Bass
District Deputy Grand Master
District 7 DDGM Update

This time of year I make time to set down and plan my next year. I’ve had the privilege for the last couple of years to serve as the DDGM for our District. I still have about 3 more months in this capacity, and then I’m starting a new exciting chapter in Freemasonry. I never really thought that this would ever happen, but in June RWB Steve Almager honored me by asking if I would serve as the Junior Grand Deacon for 2024.
At Lincoln Lodge Brother Steve made this announcement, and that is when I realized that is actually going to happen. That is when I felt a greater appreciation for all of the past Grand Lodge officers. For the last 13 almost 14 years I have thought about how I can help my Lodge and my District. Now I still have them in my thoughts, but now my focus needs to be how can I improve Masonry in New Mexico. The good thing for me is that the people before me have paved the road for me.
In the time from June till now I have had many Past Grand Masters tell me that they are there for me and all I have to do is ask. I am amazed at how these Brothers have given all for Masonry and are still willing to give more. This should not be a surprise to any of us; this is what Masons do. I am so looking forward to this journey, but I am going to need help from all of the Brothers in New Mexico. As I travel to the Lodges in the State I need your input on how to move Masonry forward.
Our foundation, in my opinion, is our Tenants and Cardinal Virtues. Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth; and Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice. We also need to have ways to get wives and families involved. At Masonicon the table lodge was open to all. Watching the Ladies slamming a cannon on the table was great. We need to make sure we are following up with our EAs and Fellow Crafts. The average age of Master Masons in the 7th District is 72.34, EAs 44.48, FCs 30.4, from these numbers you can see we need to help these younger men become Masters. They are our future!!
I want to thank all of you for listening to me and allowing me to rant. I know that this is not much about the District, but MW said we could write on any subject, category, or our Masonic future. After this he may not give me this much latitude. I do want him to know that I thank him for what he has done for Masonry and for being a true Brother to me. In closing I am looking forward to meeting all of you and receiving all of your input.!