Our Future History

By: Stephen Balke, Editor

Communication is the key. The Grand Lodge and District Officers are making time to try and keep everyone updated on what is being worked on and what they know of in Masonry in New Mexico – there are only so many of them, and we have a big state! Your contributions will help us all to be more aware and more involved! 

Stephen Balke Editor
We all have busy schedules, and many of us juggle many things both inside and outside of our Masonic work, I believe the keys are working together and making the most of the time we spend – being “in the moment” … with purpose. This will make your time investment in Lodge and Masonic Family events better for you as well as let others know of opportunities or history that was made. What We Should Communicate
  • Planned Events … AND the attractions (speakers, food, activities, etc.)
  • Magic Memories … a 25- or 50-year pin, rededication, community event, etc.
  • Understanding … your take on our values, principles, and teachings helps others!
Where We Can Communicate:
  • Go to Lodge
  • Go to our Masonic Family meetings and support them.
  • Attend Grand Lodge events (shameless plug for Masonicon)
  • Facebook Group (Brethren Only) https://www.facebook.com/groups/524635074578286
  • NM Freemason – Write and submit and article.
How We Can [BEST] Communicate:
  • Attending events – always best.
  • For posts and articles:
    • Include Pictures! – They say a thousand words (thank you, RWB Tony), enhance the story, and keep people reading.
    • Write like you’re talking with your Brethren – then you might be.
  • Plan for it – most of us have a phone that will take a picture, all of us can jot down a quick message. If you do it at or right after it happens, you will remember more of what makes things special, both for you and for your post.
We look forward to helping you to share your future history or understanding!  

NM Freemason
Grand Lodge of New Mexico
PO Box 25004
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125-0004

June 2024

Download the PDF for printing and distribution (click here) New Mexico Freemason June 2024 ∴ Volume 2024 ∴ Issue 2 In this issue:   Strength

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