Put a Pin on It
By: Jonathan Andrews, PGM
Grand Lecturer
Our Ritual distinguishes us, here’s a tool to remind and promote it.

New Mexico Freemasonry is an important part of all of our lives. Not just for the fraternal friendship, but community service and personal betterment are keystones in our personal edifices. Although there are other fraternal organizations that offer many of these benefits, masonry alone marries them with an expansive ritual aimed at teaching its lessons.
As an incentive to record ritual sections this year, and at the direction of Most Worshipful Grand Master Tom Schenk, and Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Steve Almager, the Grand Lodge of New Mexico has revived the New Mexico Ritual Pin program. I am pleased to describe the details of this program in this edition of the New Mexico Freemason. You may have already seen some of these smart pins gracing brethren around the state. In addition to awarding Ritual Section cards, brethren are awarded lapel pins they can proudly wear as an outward show of their hard work and dedication to mastering New Mexico masonic ritual. There are four lapel pins available.
The first level is Proficient Mason, and is a pin awarded to those brethren that record the first three sections that we should record when joining Freemasonry: The Entered Apprentice Proficiency, Fellowcraft Proficiency, and Master Mason Proficiency. In order to receive credit for these sections, a brother must perform the section in front of the lodge ritual officer, a DDGL, or a current Deputy Lecturer. The brother must record questions and answers to receive credit for Proficiency sections. If you recorded these sections last year, record then again and you will receive your lapel pin.
The second level of lapel pin is Craft Instructor and is awarded to those brethren that record any nine sections of our New Mexico ritual. This could be a combination of Proficiencies (questions and answers), Openings and Closing (all parts), Degree sections (all parts), Lectures (including charges), or even the Funeral or Installation. As with the Proficient Mason pin, the section must be performed in front of a lodge ritual office, a DDGL, or a current Deputy Lecturer.
The third level is Master Lecturer and is awarded to those brethren that record all 13 sections of New Mexico ritual. The 13 sections are: EA Opening/Closing, EA First Section, EA Lectures, EA Proficiency, FC Opening/Closing, FC First Section, FC Lectures, FC Proficiency, MM Opening/ Closing, MM First Section, MM Second Section, MM Lecture, and MM Proficiency. This pin accompanies a Blue Card, which is a testament that a brother has recorded all 13 sections, and the brother is bestowed with the title Deputy Lecturer.
The fourth level is Master Ritualist and is awarded for recording 13 sections a total of 10 times. This is also called a Life Lecturer. This pin truly is a testament to a lifetime of perfect ritual in New Mexico Freemasonry.
My goal this year is to run out of lapel pins. Please help me spread the word about the value of our ritual. Record your sections, wear your pin, and proudly tell your brethren that they, too, can demonstrate excellence in masonic ritual.
Thank you all for what you do in masonry!