Silver City Salutes!
Silver City Lodge No. 8 erected an historic 40-foot-tall flagpole.
By: David Fischer
Worshipful Master
Silver City Lodge No. 8

The flagpole was built at the Chino Mine Blacksmith shop when Kennecott built the company town of Hurley NM in 1911. It was at the Hurley Masonic Lodge which was above the town Post Office. Around the late 1970’s the Post Office did some remodeling and installed an official government issue flagpole and this one was removed and hauled to Tyrone Lodge where it was erected and stayed there until Phelps Dodge Mining Co. sold the entire company town of Tyrone to a development company. Tyrone Lodge lost its land lease and had to move.
The flagpole was taken down and stored at Silver City Lodge until Bro Mark Ostler discovered it. Mark decided that the pole should not be lying on the ground, but erected and he headed up the project of erecting it and purchasing a huge 10’ flag. With the help of Mark’s brother and his boss a bucket truck was brought in, and the pole was hoisted onto the foundation that had been poured for it, and now flies a beautiful flag that is lighted at night along with the large Masonic emblem on the building. Thanks Bro. Mark for a job well done..