Southeast Start to 2024
Lodges are strong and active!
By: Richard Glenn
District Deputy Grand Lecturer
District 8

Greetings from Southeast New Mexico. I am happy to report the Lodges in District 8 are busy and buzzing with Masonic activity.
Through a joint effort, the Lodges of Southeast New Mexico and West Texas, held the annual Hilltop Degree at the Shoemaker farm near Post, TX. This yearly tradition takes place the first weekend of May and always proves to be an exciting experience; and this year was no different. Even the rain didn’t dampen the spirits of those who were there.
Eunice Lodge 67 had an Active Shooter Seminar planned for April and a Table Lodge scheduled for June. Eddy Lodge 21 raised a Master Mason earlier this year and they have two candidates ready for their Fellow Craft Degrees. They have an Entered Apprentice who is studying for his EA Proficiency and should be ready for his FC Degree by June. The members of Eddy Lodge meet a couple of times a week to practice ritual and degree work.
Lovington Lodge 46 held a Fellow Craft Degree on April 4, and are also planning an Open House sometime this May.
Roswell Lodge 18 raised a Master Mason earlier this year. They initiated a candidate on March 27 and voted on another petition during the April Regular Communication. They have an EA working on his proficiency and should be ready for his FC Degree in the coming weeks.
Felix Lodge 29 surrendered its charter last December, and while it is unfortunate for a Lodge to close, several members moved their membership over to Roswell Lodge 18, and I am proud to say they have made Roswell Lodge 18 an even stronger Lodge. We are happy to have them.
Although it is still early in the year, I have had a chance to make two official visits, and I am happy to say that the Lodges in District 8 are healthy and strong. I am excited to visit the rest of the Lodges in district 8 and report on their activity in the coming months..