The Northwest Corner is Active!
District 1 DDGM Update
By: Virgil Brumbelow
District Deputy Grand Master
District 1

Brethren, it is my pleasure to serve as DDGM for District 1. It has been great seeing the Brotherhood, the charity and recognition that I have witnessed thus far this year.
Chama Lodge 17 has been busy with their charity work supporting the clubs at Cuba High School and the Lindrith Rodeo.
It was my pleasure to attend the recognition of Brother Homer Warren of Farmington, a Texas Mason, for his 70 year pin at his home. In attendance were 3 Past Grand Masters, 3 Past DDGM’s /DDGL’s. It was a special moment for him.
Animas Lodge continues to support their community and recognize their First Responders and Law Enforcement with a summer cookout.
San Juan Lodge held a Car Show to generate revenue and bring the public to meet the Masons. The Learning Center at San Juan Lodge continues to change the lives of these children that are our future.
TBA, visits to Four Corners Daylight, Malpais and Lebanon Lodge.
Keep up the great work and continue with the fellowship.