‘Tis the Season
New Lodge Leadership, Holidays and a New Year
By: Thomas L. Schenk
Grand Master of Masons in New Mexico

It is once again that time of year where one season ends and another one begins. Spring and summer are long gone, fall is now behind us, and we prepare for winter.
So is the same within our Lodges. As one year of masonry comes to an end, another begins. The seasons of this past year were full of growth, direction and great accomplishments. Each Lodge has weathered a season like no other in our history: the long season of Covid.
Congratulations to all the newly Elected and Appointed Officers for 2024.
Covid created an extended dormancy. A season of years instead of months. But, like the animals that hibernate for a long winter, our lodges have come out of the Covid hibernation hungry and eager to move on past the harshness of their longest season.
I hope each of you have that hunger and will apply it to what next spring has in store for us. Next year is already looking to be very exciting, RWB Steve Almager / Grand Master-Elect is sure to satisfy.
The past few years have created a newfound motivation to excel and conquer what each lodge needs and recognize the importance of our Craft and its meaning. It is said “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”. We were lucky. We were challenged and reminded, but we did not have to lose it to be awakened to appreciate what we have as Masons. We are better for it.
As winter comes, we are also entering the winter of our Grand Lodge year. We have just over 3 months to prepare for the spring of our new Masonic year in March, a new year, a new chapter, and a time in which new growth and ideas will begin.
Having just gone through the Thanksgiving season, I was very thankful for many things. The annual budget meeting was amazing. Every mason who was a part of it came together and truly worked as Brothers. Everything concerning our financial future was addressed and great discussions were had. Each attendee involved showed dedication, fortitude, and determination to accomplish balancing the budget and bringing forth new ideas for the future.
I want to personally thank all the Committees, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Masonic Youth and Bro Nic Coriz & family for making this possible. Thank you to RWB Robin Justice, Senior Grand Warden & Chair of Long-Range Planning for being willing to address and bring many financial issues to the table and allow the brethren, who are what make up the Grand Lodge of New Mexico, the opportunity to share in coming up with solutions and solving these issues.
More especially I would like to thank RWB Steve Balke for taking the time out of his busy life and promoting, helping and making the “New Mexico Freemason” possible and available to you each month.
Moving forward, let us take the lessons, knowledge and determination we have learned and carry them into the next season and years to come.
Thank you to all, and have a Merry Christmas!