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The New Mexico Freemason

May 2023

Download the PDF for printing and distribution (click here) New Mexico Freemason May 2023 ∴ Volume 2023 ∴ Issue 1 Set the Craft to Work NM Freemason back, and new tools and performers are in place! By: Thomas L. Schenk  Grand Master of Masons in New Mexico Grandview on Track  Moving forward fast … but

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Tom Schenk Grand Master

Set the Craft to Work

Set the Craft to Work NM Freemason back, and new tools and performers are in place! By:Thomas L. Schenk Grand Master of Masons in New Mexico Brethren All, How good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity without Wind! It has been an amazing, ongoing transition from winter to spring. 

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